We are proud to be MPA Photographers
What is the Master Photographers Association?
The MPA is the premier professional organisation for Wedding, Portrait and Commercial Master Photographers.
All qualified members adhere to a strict Code of Conduct and have undergone qualification to at least Licentiate standard. Established in 1952 the MPA has promoted true professionalism in photography for 60 years, the UK's qualifying body for full-time professional photographers. Each must have undergone a rigorous assessment of their work
The Master Photographers Association Code of Conduct.
Members of the Master Photographers Association (here in after referred to as “the MPA”) are governed by the Memorandum and Articles of
Association: and in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Association’s Articles of Association are bound by this Code of Professional Conduct. By signing the application form, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the terms of this Code.
In the event of a member being found to be in breach of this Code, the National Executive Committee has the power, in its absolute discretion,
to expel or suspend that member from membership, or from any particular grade of membership, or to apply any such lesser sanction as may
be appropriate: all penalties will be confirmed by the National Executive Committee of the MPA.
The clauses given below indicate the general standard of conduct to which members must adhere when carrying out his/her professional
duties. Members shall:-
- a) not divulge any confidential information acquired in the course of his/her professional duties to any third party and in all respects must deal
with such confidential information in accordance with the provisions of all applicable legislation; - b) conduct themselves so as to uphold the reputation of the Association and with it the spirit and dignity of the profession as a whole;
- c) strive continually to uphold the professional standard of his/her work and to improve the standard of practice in the profession as a whole;
and will conduct their public and business affairs in such a manner which does not damage the good reputation of fellow members or the
Association. - d) deal fairly, honestly and helpfully, with his/her clients, employer, employees, suppliers and fellow members and when required to give a
professional opinion do so conscientiously and without malice giving due consideration; - e) not discriminate between clients, employers, employees, suppliers or fellow members on grounds of race, sex, sexuality, age or on any
other grounds in accordance with any in force anti discrimination legislation; - f) exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence, in the discharge of his/her duties and, in so far as any of his/her duties are discretionary,
act fairly and in good faith; - g) ensure that advertisements and other public announcements with which his/her name, or the name under which he/she practices or is
associated with are not such as would bring the Association into disrepute; - h) at all times, and in all respects, conduct his/her professional business operations in line with this code and within the law;
- i) abide by, and assist the Association, within the terms of its conciliation service whether such service be requested by them or by the client;
- j) cooperate fully with any investigation into any alleged breach of this Code;
- k) when unable to supply a client with the service he or she requires for whatever reason recommend the services of another member or
refer clients to the Association; - l) under no circumstances purport to represent the Association in any respect without first obtaining an explicit mandate from the National
Executive Committee of the Association; - m) ensure to the best of his/her ability that images are not discriminatory, defamatory, prejudicial, misleading, ambiguous, untruthful or likely
to cause offence; - n) not lay claim to any qualification that has not been properly achieved;
- o) indicate his/her membership of the Association by displaying the MPA’s logo and designatory letters on editorial material, wherever
possible, including headed paper, delivery notes and via his/her website following submission of a sample of his/her work to the
Association and receipt of written confirmation from the Association; - p) ensure that he/she obtains the necessary clearance from the owners or controllers of any intellectual property rights (i.e. trade marks or
other copyrighted material) depicted in an image. - Except as stated in (o) above, a member shall not use any other designatory letters or other description to which he/she is not entitled.
Any member knowingly condoning a breach of this Code by one of his fellow principals or employees shall be responsible as if his/her self had
committed such breach.